Twelve questions to Stefano Vaj

Twelve questions to Stefano Vaj



Other Italian “transhumanists” and Vaj’s followers (so-called “Sovrumanisti”) are quite sanguine about their politics. Adriano Scianca is in charge, at a national level, of the “cultural activities” of neofascist group CasaPound and has publicly joked, in replying to the accusation of neofascism: “Neo?!”. Francesco Boco is not shy in expressing his admiration for the Waffen SS (“now again and more than ever relevant, a model for the future, an European army of political soldiers”). But the National Secretary of the Italian Transhumanist Association (Stefano Vaj) is not as forthcoming – and that’s at the root of the controversy surrounding his role as the head of an H+ associated organisation. In order to clarify his standing we’d like to offer him the chance to air his views on a number of key topics.




1) What do you think of individual rights vis-à-vis the State/community?


2) In your book Biopolitica you say that abortion cannot be considered a woman’s right, but on the contrary it could be a duty imposed on women by the State/community in consideration of population dynamics? Can you explain that?


3) What do you think of equality among people?


4) Are you anti-monotheistic because you think that monotheistic religions oppress individual freedom, or on the contrary because you think that Judaism and Christianity ‘invented’ individualism and equality?


5) In your book I Diritti dell’Uomo you claim that Enlightenment, the French Revolution, liberalism and socialism are all the secular face of Christianity. Can you explain that?


6) Accordingly to your specific interpretation of Nietzsche’s thought (which you call “Sovrumanismo”), it is right or wrong to consider the german philospher a precursor of nazism?


7) Accordingly to your prognostication the ‘Third Man’ “is summoned to command the biopolitical revolution”. Elsewhere [in Giorgio Locchi’s article “Espressione politica e repressione del principio sovrumanista” (2002), formerly known as “Essenza del Fascismo” — with foreword and footnotes by Stefano Vaj] in footnote n. 18 you expressly says: ‘Third Man’, that actually is the Fascist ‘New Man’, or the Nietzsche’s ‘overman’ (“terzo uomo”, che è poi l”uomo nuovo’ fascista, o il ‘superuomo’ nietzscheano)]. So, accordingly to your prognostication, the Fascist New Man will command the biopolitical revolution. Can you explain that?


8) What do you think of the indoeuropean tripartite societal structure (castes)? You repeatedly claimed that it could be a good model for a future society. Can you explain this?


9) What exactly do you mean by prophesying that the future will be dominated by an aristocracy of the kind that emerged after the Neolithic?


10) What do you mean by asserting that this is the time of the “aristocracies who can translate into deeds the obscure collective will of the community of people whence it emanates”?


11) In the neofascist italian forum “Vivamafarka“, where you are ‘hero member’ with about 14,000 posts, you said that Hitler’s Tischgespräche (“Table Talk”) is “a must”. Can you explain that?


12) In the thread “Our Books” at (the forum of White Pride World Wide), your book Biopolitica is included in a list “Essential books for an sound racial education” (“Libri essenziali per una sana educazione razziale”). How do you feel about that?



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